Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What is a Good Golf Swing....

Your Golf Swing and You

The idea behind a better and improved golf swing is what I want. But with each individual golfer, it will vary, the golf swing itself has basics to follow for proper form, but each golfer adapts that form, to his or her own game, style and playing level. Technique is a guide and repetition equals consistency, with practice time paramount for noticeable improvements in your game.

I am a hacker, I guess... I use to practice everyday and with time my scores reflected that, I went from a 18 handicap to a 2. But that was the 1980's, in 2009 I went through a bucket or 2 of balls at the driving range a month, play a round or 2 a month and my scores are back up in the 18 handicap range. Consistency is my big problem now.

As with most of us, the weekend Golfer Warrior, we have our favorite clubs, that we feel confident in, hence use more. But our score suffers from this aspect, when we don't utilize the full compliment of weapons at our disposal, we limit our selves and our scores by not putting our time in to get comfortable with each club in your bag. Why carry them if you aren't going to use them or use them right.

With my Daddy sports schedule in full bloom now that my kids are older it becomes more difficult for me to find the time to seek instruction to give me the improvement I want and need. In 2010, I am making a more concerted effort to get practice time in, because I do want improvement in my scores, at times it is embarrassing some of my shots.. I play with a couple of pretty good golfers and am getting tired of being the butt of their jokes on a regular basis. So this year I decided to put more effort in, work on my golf swing the best I could, finding practice time and I got lucky and stumbled upon a source of help I hadn't counted on, an ebook that walks me through the technique I need so badly for each individual club.

As baseball practice starts each day for my son, al least 2 hours a day, 6 days a week. I drop him off and I head to Green Valley golf course, get a bucket of balls and start working on a club a day from what I have read in my ebook, plus I throw in time every bucket, to work on my driver, boy that is a have to..

My Golf Swing is starting to come around, I am getting a better feel for each club and when on the course have more confidence going to my whole arsenal in my golf bag. This ebook doesn't do it all, practice is a very important aspect, they go hand in hand, one is no good without the other. But let me tell you with my time constraints this ebook has definitely fit the bill, I study technique at my leisure and convenience and its insight is second to none. Oh by the way, my scores are now in the low 80's.

Your golf swing, you only get out of it, what you put in. Check out this ebook on the simple golf swing, see what you think. For me a minimal investment, that with practice and the ebooks techniques, I am seeing results..

Leave me your name and email address, in the form on this page and I will send you a free ebook on Golf, plus send you our monthly newsletter, giving you helpful tidbits to help your game, golf news stories and more..

Thanks for visiting

Bill Ong
"The NAFTA Refugee"

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Golf Swing Flexibility Exercises That Will Add Distance Quickly

Golf swing flexibility exercises that are the most effective are not what you read in all the “so-called” fitness for golf books. I make this bold statement because I bought every golf fitness book and was so disappointed I wrote my own Ultimate Golf Fitness Manual.

What I didn’t see in most of these books was dynamic (movement) stretches, especially for core flexibility. The golf swing is a rotation, therefore it only makes sense to incorporate as many core rotational movements, stretches and exercises into your routine as possible.

This is more prevalent in the senior golfer. He/she has lost a large amount of core rotation and in return massive yards off the tee. That’s the biggest complaint I hear among senior golfers is their lack of distance off the tee.

But, what’s frustrating for me is that same golfer will buy more equipment, take more lessons and hit more balls and not see improvement. This is because the “root cause” has still not been approached.

Until you fix the “machine”, you will not see improvement. Your body’s physical capabilities dictate your golf swing efficiency and power. Until you realize this and make the commitment to improve this, you’ll continue to be a very frustrated golfer.

The great thing about golf swing flexibility exercises are they don’t require any equipment and can be done anywhere. In your office…at your home…even on the golf course. There is no reason (excuse) not to participate in a golf swing flexibility exercise program.

If time is a valuable commodity you don’t have a lot of, then doing just 3-4 rotational stretches daily and you’ll see a huge difference in your power and distance.

There is only an “upside” to doing it.

How about adding 30 yards to your drives? No more back pain? Feeling like your 20 years younger and playing like it too?

I could go on and on about the benefits, but you’ve got to believe it and do it.

Just remember the golf swing is a rotational movement, so you should train your body from a rotational strength and flexibility standpoint. Taking this concise and yet effective approach will give you the quickest results from your golf swing flexibility exercises.

Get your free Ebook on Golf, a $27.00 value, by signing up below...

Bill Ong
"The NAFTA Refugee"

Basics Of Golf Swing Instruction…Go With Exercises

Golf swing instruction starts with an understanding of the different segments of the golf swing. Understanding the golf swing segments will give anybody a firm foundation to learn all the tricks of the trade from others and thus be able to understand any golf swing instruction aimed at helping them improve their game.

There are actually three segments to the golf swing. The segments are the back swing, the down swing and finally the impact and follow through.

Dividing the swing into these 3 segments helps to apply every individual golf swing instruction or tip to the particular segments where they apply. It also helps the golfer focus on one segment at a time in their golf swing instruction making it easier for them to remember what they learn and also to be able to work on improving their game systematically.

There is another bigger advantage to this approach. And that is the ability to be able to draw ones attention to the many different parts of the body and the many muscles involved in a proper golf swing.

This is important in helping a golfer involved in a golf exercise program to be able to appreciate the different exercises they do in the program and what particular muscles the exercises focus on.

All this makes it a lot easier for any golfer to link their exercises to golf swing instructions they receive as they seek to improve on their game.

Actually it is not possible to divorce the basics of golf swing instruction from golf specific exercises. The two go together and chances of improving your game improve dramatically when you combine the two. On the other hand progress is bound to be much slower when you work on golf swing instruction only.

May the Golf Gods smile on your Golf Swing...

Bill Ong

"The NAFTA Refugee"